Potential Habitat Impacts from Proposed Crop Insurance Subsidies




Wildlife Management Institute   October 16, 2012

While it remains to be seen whether the 112th Congress will pass a new Farm Bill before the end of the session, it is clear that direct federal payments to farmers that have been in effect since the mid-1990’s will very likely become a thing of the past. In lieu of direct payments, many in the agricultural community are championing a stronger federal subsidy program for crop insurance, according to the Wildlife Management Institute. If Congress adopts this approach, it will be critical that any crop insurance subsidy program underwritten by the federal government be guided by policy that protects against poor land and agricultural management decisions that result from artificially low-risk conditions for program participants. Continue reading

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Asian carp DNA triggers new Chicago River fishing expedition

By Dan Egan of the Journal Sentinel
Oct. 9, 2012


Even as Michigan lawmakers lambaste the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for not moving fast enough to develop a permanent plan to stop Asian carp from swimming up the Chicago canal system and into Lake Michigan, genetic evidence that the fish are on the march continues to grow.

Tuesday the Army Corps announced it would send fishing crews onto the North Shore Channel of the Chicago River. The agency also will fish for Asian carp on a six-mile stretch of river in downtown Chicago. Continue reading

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Minnesota: DNR asks court to allow disputed wolf hunt to proceed

By Steve Karnowski Associated Press TwinCities.com-Pioneer Press  Posted:10-4-12


 State officials have asked the Minnesota Court of Appeals to reject an attempt by animal welfare groups to block the resumption of wolf hunting in the state.

The lawsuit by the Center for Biological Diversity and Howling for Wolves is without legal merit, attorneys representing the Department of Natural Resources said in a filing dated Friday, Sept. 28. Continue reading

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Ginseng poachers take to the woods as prices soar

TODD RICHMOND, Associated Press

Friday, September 28, 2012

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — They slink through the woods in camouflage and face paint, armed with tire irons, screwdrivers and hoes, seeking a plant that looks like a cross between a Virginia creeper and poison ivy.

They’re the new breed of ginseng diggers, a rough and tumble lot looking to parlay rising Asian demand for the increasingly rare plant’s roots into a fast buck.

Amid a sluggish economy, police say, more diggers are pushing into the backcountry from the upper Mississippi River to the Smoky Mountains in search of wild ginseng, eschewing harvest permits, ripping up even the smallest plants and ignoring property lines. Continue reading

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Mississippi River faces new threats

Sept. 27, 2012  •  Associated Press

A 72-mile stretch of the Mississippi River that flows through the Twin Cities is in better shape than it was before the Clean Water Act was passed 40 years ago, although new risks have emerged, according to a report released Thursday. Continue reading

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