A state or province may request membership in MAFWA and be elected for membership by majority vote of the member states and provinces. Dues are $4,100 per state and $100 per province payable at or before each annual meeting.
Member Information
United States
Illinois DNR, One Natural Resources Way, Springfield, IL 62702-1271, ph: 217-785-0075 fax:, 217-785-9236, dnr.illinois.gov
Indiana DNR, Division of Fish and Wildlife, 402 W. Washington St., Rm 273, Indianapolis, IN 46204-2748, ph: 317-232-4091, state.in.us/dnr
Iowa DNR, 502 E. 9 th St., Wallace Bldg-4th Fl, Des Moines, IA 50319-8895, ph: 515-725-8200, fax: 515-725-8201, https://www.iowadnr.gov/
Kansas Dept. of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism, 512 SE 25th Ave., Pratt, KS 67124-8174, ph: 620-672-5911, fax: 620-672-2972, http://ksoutdoors.com
KY Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Resources, #1 Game Farm Rd, Frankfort, KY 40601, ph: 800-858-1549, fax: 502-564-6508, http://ky.gov
Michigan DNR, Box 30028, Lansing, MI 48909, ph:517-284-6367 , www.michigan.gov/dnr
Minnesota DNR, 500 Lafayette Rd, St. Paul, MN 55155-4040, ph: 651-296-6157, dnr.state.mn.us/index.html
Missouri Dept. of Conservation, PO Box 180, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0180, ph: 573-751-4115, fax: 573-751-4467,mdc.mo.gov
Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, PO Box 30370, Lincoln, NE 68503-0370, ph: 402-471-0641, fax: 402-471-5528, http://outdoornebraska.gov/
North Dakota Game & Fish Department, 100 N. Bismarck Expressway, Bismarck, ND 58501, ph: 701-328-6300, fax: 701-328-6352,http://gf.nd.gov/
Ohio DNR, 2045 Morse Road, Bldg. G, Columbus, OH 43229, ph: 614-265-6300 fax: 614-262-1143, ohiodnr.gov
South Dakota Game, Fish & Park, 523 E. Capitol, Pierre, SD 57501-3718, ph: 605-773-3387, fax: 605-773-6245, https://gfp.sd.gov/
WI Dept of Natural Resources, PO Box 7921, Madison WI 53707, ph: 608- 266-2121, wi.gov
Saskatchewan Env. & Resource Mgmt., 3211 Albert St., Regina, Saskatchewan CANADA S4S5W6, ph: 306-787-2309, fax: 306-787-9544, https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/government-structure/ministries/environment
Manitoba Department of Natural Resources, Box 24, 200 Salteaux Cree, Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA R3/3W3, ph: 204-945-776, fax: 204-945-3077, gov.mb.ca/conservation/wildlife
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, 300 Water St., Peterborough, Ontario, CANADA K9J 3C7, ph: 705-875-8236, fax: 705-755-2901 https://www.ontario.ca/page/ministry-natural-resources-and-forestry