State/Province Reports

Each year, member states and provinces are encouraged to post a synopsis of the highlights (and/or lowlights) of conservation activity within their borders as a means of communicating with other members. Postings should be made on this site at least 30 days prior to the MAFWA annual meeting in July.

Instructions for Submitting State Reports:

  1. Page size – 8.5” x 11”
  2. Orientation – Portrait
  3. Top/bottom margins – 1”
  4. Left/right margins – 1”
  5. Tab set – 0.5”
  6. Line spacing – 1
  7. Page numbering – No
  8. Hyphenation – No
  9. Justification – Full
  10. Type face – Use Times New Roman, 12 point
  11. Paragraph – Indent 0.5” and double space to begin a new paragraph
  12. Illustrations – Maps, charts, pictures, and line drawings incorporated into your document are preferred rather than including them separately.
  13. Title – The title of a submission, authors name, title, affiliation, and mailing address should appear at the top of the first page.
  14. Page limit – Please limit your report to 6 pages.
  15. Memory maximum is 300K.

Please send your submission by June 1 to: Ollie Torgerson, (electronic version), with hard copy to WI DNR, 107 Sutliff Ave., Rhinelander, WI  54501.




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