Category Archives: News

Monarch butterfly migration to Mexico jumps after years of decline

Associated Press in Mexico City February 26, 2016 Monarch butterflies have made a big comeback in their wintering grounds in Mexico after suffering serious declines, investigators said Friday. The area covered by the orange-and-black insects in the mountains west of … Continue reading

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Policy Re-affirms Federal-State ESA Collaboration

February 19, 2016 Contact: Brian Hires,, 703-358-2191 Connie Barclay,, 301-427-8003  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service (together the Services) have updated a long-standing policy on the role of state fish and wildlife … Continue reading

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Gov. Dayton proposes poachers be charged with felonies

  Tougher penalties would apply to illegal taking of wildlife valued at $2,000 or more. By Dennis Anderson Star Tribune January 15, 2016 — 9:06pm     Frustrated by fish and game poachers who get a “slap on the wrist” … Continue reading

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A Shifting Approach to Saving Endangered Species

  By ERICA GOODE OCT. 5, 2015 Science A male greater sage grouse performed mating rituals for a female grouse, not pictured, on a lake outside Walden, Colo. Credit David Zalubowski/Associated Press When the Obama administration announced last month that … Continue reading

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Judge Throws Out Lesser Prairie Chicken Listing

  Posted on September 10, 2015 The Washington Post male lesser prairie chicken, New Mexico A U.S. District Court Judge threw out the Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) decision to list the lesser prairie chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) as a threatened … Continue reading

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